Sunday, January 28, 2007

I've got to admit, it's getting better

Hi again, faithful readers!
So, I'm clearly in a much better mood than I was last time. I'm settling in more and things are less scary, which is always a good thing. Adam and I are on the verge of having a place to live - after searching for a very long two weeks, we finally found someone who says she'll give us an apartment. It's not exactly central, but it's certainly not too far away from everything. It's very beautiful, and fully equipped. All we need to do, basically, is buy linens and it's completely liveable. The reason that we're not there right now is that there is no electricity at the moment. The landlady has called someone who's responsible for that, and this someone will turn on the electricity by next Wednesday. And then we can sign the contract and move in! I don't want to jinx it though, since there's something in the back of my mind that's nagging me, telling me that there are no guarantees until there's a signed contract, so I'm still kinda holding my breath. We'll see.
Adam and I did a bit more traveling yesterday - he had an appointment with an instrument-maker in Padua early in the morning (he reaaaally wants a cello... I hope he finds one soon, because that would make a very, very happy Feb), so I took a later train and met up with him in the early afternoon. Yeah, we did get a little bit lost trying to find each other, but it was fine. We say two big churches, which were pretty, and in one of the churches were the relics of St. Anthony, which were gross (I saw St. Anthony's tongue. And jaw. Enclosed in separate golden chalices. WTF?). After that, we didn't really know what to do/see in Padua (although apparently we missed some AMAZING art in another church... we'll have to go back again), and so Adam said, "hey, we're really close to Venice. Wanna go have dinner there?" So, we got on a train to Venice, arrived during a very murky sunset, and wandered through the streets of Venice, getting pretty damn lost along the way. We were clearly not along the touristy path. Eventually we found a restaurant (can we note how I needed to look up the spelling of that word? I had forgotten how to spell it in English. Whee! Go Italian!) and had a nice little meal. Adam’s dad gave him a call on his cellphone and gave us enough of a clue to finally find the main drag of Venice, which was pretty spectacular. We walked for a while, looking for a good place to get desert, and then when the road ended, we walked back, finding a little gelateria that we hadn’t seen before which had mint chocolate flavored gelato (the first I’ve seen here so far) and it was a done deal. Then we headed back to the train station, ran into Noah and Selene (a Middkid who was in Ferrara last year, and his Italian girlfriend, who’s also a friend of Anna, and sorta the landlady of the house that two of the kids on the Midd program are living in), chatted with them for a while, and then got onto the Train of Awkward Seating Arrangements, and a whop-bam-boom, two and a half hours later we were back in the hotel. I went to bed nearly instantly, had some weird dreams that woke me up at quarter of nine, and then fell asleep again until nearly eleven, when I decided it’d be best to hustle out of the hotel so I could let the scary lady clean my room. Saving the shower for later, I packed up my laptop, and walked over to the University, on the steps outside of which I am currently sitting with my back up against a closed door (because everything is closed on Sundays) writing this entry for y’all. Since I can’t give you any more up-to-date updates, I think it’s best I publish this and scoot before my battery spontaneously dies.




Colin Penley said...

siete troppo cute! (or so altavista babelfish says)

Tiberio said...

Oh, silly babelfish. It should be "sei troppo carino!" But thank you.
And Jessie, if I find any material to write about, I'll take some mental notes.

Laura said...

:) You make me smile.

When I visited Midd a few weeks back, there were lemon bars at Proctor. I almost heaped about 10 of them into napkins to take back to your room until I realized you were in Italy.

...okay, so maybe I'm still regretting not heaping them on and then mailing them to you.

Colin Penley said...

UPDATE!!! We miss you!

Colin Penley said...

still waiting