Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Mood swing

I do love the smell of trees in the springtime. I was biking over here to the facoltà, and the scent of the flowering trees outside of one of the many churches I passed filled my head. That, among other things, got me into the spirit to write a proper blog post.
Quick note about my travels around Italy with DK - since we didn't buy our tickets a day or two in advance, we were unable to get down to Italy's toe to see the town of Riace, where my great-grandmother was born. Economically, this was great, since it probably saved us about 100 dollars each, but otherwise it was a disappointment. I do resolve to go back later, possibly in May or June, which I slowly am realizing are coming up sooner and sooner. Why, we're more than half-way through with April! One of my courses has already ended meeting, so all I really need to think about is the exam. It's a bit sad, since it was my favorite: etnomusicologia.
Anywho, the really exciting news is that I may have just found a subject for my thesis! About a month ago, Adam, Taber and I went to see our landlady's art show set up in a little shop in the medieval part of town. Afterwards, Adam told me that Flavia (the landlady) had told him that the shop had lots of local works, and might have some plays. So today I went in, asked the man who was there, and found a play written by a Ferrarese. I've barely opened it, but Federico, the man in the shop, told me that it is a comedic play set in Ferrara in the 1500s, and is all about the court of the Este family. Some of it is in rhyme, and there are many antiquated forms, so it could be awfully tough, but for my thesis, I think that I could translate it. Federico told me that it's never been translated into English, and if I do it, he would certainly want to read it, since it seems that he speaks some English, as well. I would have to write notes on the text as well, which would require a whole slew of historical research. So, it should be challenging enough. There's also a film adaptation that could help me out pretty seriously. I'll have to read the whole thing first before I start to get too into this idea, but you never know what this might lead to! Baruffino Buffone, what do you have in store for me?

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